Wednesday, November 3, 2010

final paper questions, part 1

Here are the first few questions that you may choose from for the final paper (which will be 5-6 pages).

1. Compare the representations of masculinity in "Regeneration" and "The Remains of the Day."

2. Compare the role of female friendship in "Regeneration" and "Pride and Prejudice."

3. Discuss the role of Nazism and the historical context of Nazi sympathizers in England, in light of "The Remains of the Day." This question requires some historical research (I will suggest a couple of sources in class; do not resort to Wikipedia, please.)

4. Consider the following poems: Sassoon ("The Kiss"), Owen ("Anthem for Doomed Youth"), and Brooke ("The Soldier"). How do these poems differ in their representations of war, and how do they convey those differing images?

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