War Poems by Siegfried Sassoon, including "The Kiss," which we will read for class.
Please be advised--this is a long page with lots of scrolling to get to "The Kiss." If you search for "kiss" on the page, you can jump right to it.
"The Soldier," by Rupert Brooke.
"Anthem for Doomed Youth," by Wilfred Owen.
"Funeral Blues," by W.H. Auden. This links to a set of two poems; you should read both of them for your betterment as a person, but we will only be discussing the first in class.
"This Be the Verse," by Philip Larkin.
The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde. You may read this play in print if you prefer; it is widely available. We are reading the three-act version (there is also a longer version).
You could also check out this free audio book version of the play.
Virginia Woolf, "The Mark on the Wall." This link takes you to a text which is accurate but hard to read because of format. Please cut and paste it into Word or similar, then double-space it so that you can read it better.
Virginia Woolf, "A Room of One's Own." This essay is quite long. The link takes you to a text that is divided into pieces. WE WILL BE DISCUSSING PART ONE. You are welcome, of course, to read the rest, and I encourage you to do so at some point, but for Wednesday we will be discussing the first section.
This is a pdf of James Joyce's "The Dead." Please use this link so that you all have the same page numbering.
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.