Here are a handful of films that are worth seeing in the context of this course--film adaptations of things we're reading or related films.
The Secret Agent (1996, adapted by Christopher Hampton)
This is a faithful and evocative adaptation of the novel. Excellent performances and a great script. I particularly like Jim Broadbent as Chief Inspector Heat.
Sabotage (1936--Alfred Hitchcock)
This version is a bit less faithful but a great film.
Pride and Prejudice (1995 miniseries)
This is excellent. It's long, of course (since it's a miniseries and not a feature film), but it's fantastic.
The 2005 Keira Knightly film blows.
The Remains of the Day (1993, Merchant and Ivory)
Beautiful, haunting film. This may be better than the novel. Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson are dynamite.
Rebecca (1940, Alfred Hitchcock--though really I am told it's more of a David Selznick picture)
This is a knockout. Seriously, if there's one film you should see from the list here, this is the one. Well, or maybe The Third Man is the one...I'm not sure.
The Third Man (1949--Carol Reed and Graham Greene)
We may be watching this in class; certainly, we'll watch part of it. One of the best movies of all time.
The Fallen Idol (1948--Carol Reed and Graham Greene)
Another excellent film, though not as good as The Third Man. Great performance by Ralph Richardson.
The Return of the Soldier (Alan Bridges, 1982)
I have not seen this film; it is reputed to be awful, but give it a shot if you're so inclined and write me a review.